
Mar a chleachdas tu Gàidhlig nan Òg / How to use Gàidhlig nan Òg

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Jackie Mullen

Jackie is a former Depute Head Teacher and Acting Head Teacher in Glasgow. As a Gaelic learner herself, she introduced Gaelic for Learners (GLPS) into the curriculum in her school and went on to win two national awards in recognition of sector leading practice.

Jackie then became a GLPS trainer delivering Gaelic training to teachers from all over Scotland.

She worked for Stòrlann to develop a new online resource – Gàidhlig nan Òg – which supports parents/carers and early years practitioners in developing Gaelic language in children from 0-5 years.

When not involved in all things Gaelic, Jackie plays mandolin and guitar in her band Folky MacFolk Face.

Agenda del evento

  • Gaelic language aquisition in pre-school
  • Topics
  • Songs
  • Activities
  • Videos
  • Powerpoints